• MP3: Midwest Photographers Publication Project

  • $30.00

  • About the Item

    MP3: Midwest Photographers Publication Project
    5.5 x 8.5 Inches
    56 Pages 25 four-color plates
    ISBN: 978-1-597-11-022-8
    Publisher: Aperture / Museum of Contemporary Photography (2006)

    MP3:Midwest Photographers Publication Project presents works by three emerging talents from the Midwestern United States: Kelli Connell, Justin Newhall, and Brian Ulrich. These artists have been selected to inaugurate The Midwest Photographers Publication Project (MP3) series, published by the MoCP in collaboration with the Aperture Foundation.

    Each of the artists is profiled in an individual hardcover volume containing images selected from their most recent work with essays written by MoCP staff including former Director Rod Slemmons, MoCP Curator and Associate Director Karen Irvine, and Executive Director Natasha Egan. The artists were chosen for the resonance of their work with current themes in contemporary photographic practice and to represent the quality of work in the museum’s Midwest Photographers Project.

    Founded in 1982 by the MoCP, the Midwest Photographers Project (MPP) is a rotating archive of contemporary photography established to promote both prominent and emerging photographers from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin. The MP3 series aims to give greater recognition to artists on the verge of national and international prominence.